Saturday, May 15, 2010

yes you can get good music for Under $15.00

OK so my previous blog was a tad to intense for you ayy.I wait no I dont.Sometimes i just get real serious but hopefuly not offensive but If I did offend anyone I DO apologize for that.
Alrighty then on to a lighter topic.Breathe easy,deep breath! deep breath!
On my travels today I stoped at Atomic CDs in Point Pleasant Beach.Before entering I counted my cash.$7.00.Could I get anything good for that amount.I looked around.
Predator Dub assasins.They were on a compilation and I think they are a ska band.I want it but nope 2 bucks over my budget.Tommy James and the shondells 6 bucks.Yeah!I got it!It was a beautiful Day,not to hot and not chilly and they sky was a beautiful blue.
Although I wanted to look around and admire the beauty of the day priority one was safety.After a long cold winter some folks are like tigers lets out of a cage when a real nice day comes along they run wind regarless and bikes and children.
For the most part folks were in good spirits being mindful and considerate of each other.
My next stop was The Grind just for a chat with the owner and then to Ocean County Music just to look around.They're CD stock is smaller but they have Christmas CDs and sale but with one dollar nothing is in my budget.perhaps in October I can think about!
The cruise home was nice.I wanted to go for an extended cruise but nature was calling.After attending to the call I turned on the Stereo and had a glass of wine and then cooked dinner.
Afterwards I sat out on the porch and look forward to more time on the porch now that the warm weather is here
goodbye sweaters ,hello T Shirts!Yeehaw!

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