Monday, December 26, 2011

Tis the Season to be blogging

Hello everyone Im glad to report my Christmas went well. My niece Amber is happy with the boombox I got her.She Loves the last mix I gave her..oh and How that inspires me to make her more.Oh yeah.DJ Aunt Trish IS IN the house!!!yuuup! I gave Nancy and Dan a Gift certificate to the Forte,a local Restaurant and they were happy and they were happy about that. I gave all the kids a Certificate to The Longboard Grill. On my end i got a digital camera but it didn't come with a memory card and of course the Bank was closed today but later I found $20.00 tucked away in a secret spot.Arr!Tomorrows another day. The Post office was closed today also.Accepting the fact that almost everything was closed I took a ride by Central Market,Hoping for a cup of coffee.wella!they were opened.I got my usual coffee and blueberry Muffin.I also remembered the library was opened so I returned my Christmas CDs!alrighty so the day was not a total loss! Stay tuned folks,I put a few DVDs on hold and will be posting Movie reviews soon!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you, Trish! And here's to a Happy New Year too!
