Wednesday, January 4, 2012

welcome to my world

My fellow mix maker and blogger George AKA Texas Hobart enjoys reading my blogs and like reading about my world.well here's my more
I've seen folks taking self pics and thought Id give it a try with a straight face.Egad is that what I look like?
on a night when there is nothing cool on TV Ill sit in front of my boombox and go through some old mixtapes or CDs and just sit and listen to music.
sometimes I'll snack on something while listening to music like Godiva chocolates..hey what the?..the box is empty!Oh well Ill just have a cup of tea!One night I ate a few pieces watching dog the Bounty hunter and last night I finished em off watching Storage Wars!

1 comment:

  1. I understand sitting in front of the boom-box and just listening. I am so glad to hear about what you do and your world. Egads means "Ye Gods" when I looked it up in the urban dictionary. I think you look pretty, trish. You have such a good sense of humor. You make the coolest videos and draw the greatest cartoon and I love your taste in music.
