Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring is close very close

I was chatting with a neighbor and we both noticed evidence of spring in your garden. Ah! This gladdens my heart, soul and body!
 for the first time in months my poor toes are freezing and I wore a lighter jacket today!
 we may get a little snow tomorrow night or Thursday. I'm hoping it will be just a little bit. heck it is march by the way.
 I finally did some shopping Saturday. Ink cartridges, CD-Rs, and CDs! I saw a few friends in my travels too! I'm cured of my cabin fever. Now m allergies are acting up but Allergies are OK!
  Tonight I got on  the OCL website again and put more CDs on hold. Heavy on the R& B from the 70s and 80s.The next  mix will be funktified!
  So I was talking to Franks substitute about church and that just going to church alone doesn't make you a good Christian.Many folks think this.
OK I'm all for going to church and getting spiritually fed and so on BUT that alone doesn't make you a good Christian.
 Take the lessons you learn in church and live them,apply them to your life! its not always easy and there will be temptation to forget but do your best each day.
If your curse or get angry confess it to God above. When your have a good day thank him! If your having struggles ask him for help. Church is a great place.it renews you and helps you face the week ahead but theres much more to being a Christian then going to church. People will see your Christianity by the way you act outside of church.
A friend once told me "you'll be blessed by your integrity. Wow I never thought of that. doing the right thing pleases God.
OK that's enough for now.
Good night and have a great tomorrow!

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