Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Geting back to it

I started doing it in the 80s to fight the battle of the bulge.
It helped me physically and mentally. Yes I'm talking about walking
I also started making mixtapes to motivate me to keep walking.
Yesterday I decided to get back to it and not only is it good for you healthwise but mentally as well.
 I often am able to clear my mind of  cobwebs as I breath in the fresh air. Any and all feelings of stress go down too.
I got to find my earphones listen to my ipod or cd Walkman. year I still have my CD Walkman floating about.
Actually my CD player would be better so I can listen to mixes other than my own.
Taking walks and listening to music is a perfect combination.
Walking without music is OK too but with music I can listen to the music and I power through any cramps of soreness I'm feeling in my legs. Oh but don't expect me to listen to the Rocky theme or eye of the tiger on repeat. They are good motivation songs but there's only so much I can take.
If you feel worried or anxious about something a good long walks helps relieve that too!
So Get Walking!

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