Tuesday, August 31, 2010

green flag greatness

After days of yellow flag status.We were green today.Patrons were happy.Boogie Boaders especially the young ones were really happy.Im sure Beach goers were also happy not to hear whistles blowing all day!
Some say theres another hurrican that supposed to churn up out seas again.Others say it will miss us and just blow itself out ..whatever that means.
I dont have control of the weather and mother nature is hard to predict so we will just have to see.
In other news The President declared an end to combat in Iraq.This should end of the talf about the building of the mosque near ground zero..for awhile.The press will talk this issue dry.We still havent found Bin Laden yet have we?
I made a new playlist and have another rollin round my head.Titles are swirlin round my head like a twister too.
I'll post them both when the new one is finished.Most likely over the weekend!

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