Thursday, June 9, 2011

a morning of a check up and blood test.

My brother in law Dan and I spent a morning at the drs for a check up.He went first and then I went.We listened to Jimmy Buffett on the way there.
Dr Boyan said my blood pressure was a hhigher than last time.
He sent us Both for bloodwork.
When the nurse picked up the needle I immediately looked away.I t was just a little pinch but I didn't want to see how much blood was being extracted.
They also had me pee in a cup.The lab now has a sample of my blood and my pee!I should have made them a mix to seal the!
Now that thats done I can look forward to a fun weekend.
How can I have high blood pressure after listening to Jimmy Buffett?I also have a super fun Saturday of DJing coming up!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure you will be fine and have a great DJing weekend too. Afterall it was just a Blood Check Up. Cheers!
