Thursday, December 16, 2010

survey got me to thinkin'?

Tonight I got some call from some company doing a survey.Do you notice that they always call between 6 and 8pm?This gentleman Im sure was an african American male and Im going guess in his 30s with a southern accent.when his talked fast I really had to listen.Based on his questions Im guessing his was calling from some christian publishing company or something of the sort.He asked about my religion,how many times I went to church and if I accepted Jesus as my personal savior.
If I had the Chance I would have given him my testamony but that always brings me to tears.
Another question was do you think your influential?Wow I don't know.I never really thought about it.I don't wake up each day an plan stuff like that.I hope im a good example though.
My friend Tyler Sherman said it best.I do what I do and hope people are blessed by it.Sure I have good days and not so good days like everyone else.
I hope I inspire folks in a good way.I try to make good choices and think of others first and hope folks see my faith though the way I live.
Gosh this is deep!If I am influential I hope I influence folks to say shes seen some rough seas in life and if she can make it so can I.

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