Saturday, September 18, 2010

Seafood Fest 2010

My day started at 7am with a shower and then it was off to the drs.
Nancy and I got home about 9:20 and then I went about the business of crankin out a few mixes for people I knew I would see today.
I hit the road by bike at about 10:30 and went to the post office,the Library and then the seafood fest.
I got my usual fish n chips as I have for the past 20 years.One year I broke tradion and tried a burger but it was too well done so I stayed with fishn chips from then on.
around 12:30 it started getting really crowded so I hopped on my bike and went to the Tiki bar.
Dr Cheeko and the guys were great.They did a melody of Micheal Jackson tunes by request.I had 2 beers and went for a walk after the first set and walked down to the inlet.
I wanted to go back for DR cheekos 2nd set but I was tired.
when I got home I took a nap.It was a busy day!
This year My toes were not run over by wheelchairs or baby strollers!

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