Wednesday, November 24, 2010

a polish rag and a cryin jag

This time of year does bring missing my parents to its highs emotionally.Tonight I was finishing the task of polishing silver when the wave of emotion hit.I was remembering how dad and I would polish the silver together and do our imatation of people in the deep south."Well well looky at dat dare shine'He'd say and Id reply "ooowee dayam dat is a nice shine dare boy!"Mom of course would be saying we were a couple of silly Billies but Im sure she too was laughing.
suddenly the crying jag hit.I stopped for a few minutes and recomposed myself and went back at it.
Both Mom and Dad love thanksgiving and christmas.Every year Dad bought a bottle of St brendans and it would last about about a
few days between the two of us.we'd sit in the Den and watch TV or listen to Christmas music.
I still buy a bottle and pretend he's still around to keep upbeat.In a way I know he is!

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