Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In this life

Today there was an assembly about bullying.I didn't attend it but I was packing up the lunch crate and heard some of what the woman was talking about.
Theres are several types of bullying
Theres verbal bullying and physical bullying.
In school I was a victim of verbal bullying.Mostly name calling.
It was mostly kids calling me stuff like reject and retard because they know I was in a Special ed class.
Being in a special Ed class doesn't mean your retarded.It just means you having a harder time learning somethings or your learning process isnt at the same level as the other kids.I think folks should know that.
We tend to base peoples social status on knowledge,income,where they live,race,etc
We should just stop all that BS and treat each other with love and respect.
Instead of putting someone down we should lift each other up.
Today I told asked a young student how he was doing and told him I was proud of him.Sadly some kids don't hear that enough.they get told when they don't do what they should but they don't hear "you did well" or "Im proud of you" enough.
Good old reality TV is no help either Shows Like basketball wives where all they do is argue and fight and The Jersey shore where they party, and sleep with each other is not not a good influence.
Oh but what do I know?I grew up in the 60 and 70s but as far as quality entertainment goes Paul Simon said it best.I was born at the right time!
OK now if you have kids go give them a hug and tell them how much you love them!


  1. Human kindness is so much apart of being a good person and friend.I like the way you think about lifting people up.It's your uncommon knowledge of bullying and denigration that has taught you about the importance of friendship.You are my hero,trish!

  2. Thanks for your nice comments on my blog. I was shy, effeminate, and bullied all through junior high and high school; how I'd love to go back and re-live all those situations now. This is a lovely post, and I'd add that it's also important for parents/teachers to tell the popular, outgoing, non-bullied kids that they should stand up to bullies when they see them harassing the outcasts. Bullies want people to think they're funny and cool, so it wouldn't hurt to have lots of other kids informing bullies that they're neither of those things.
