Thursday, February 3, 2011

the groundhog a myth?

Yesterday the kids were all saying how the groundhod didnt see his shadow.
Later I thought to myself "Of course he didnt see his shadow it was cloudy and rainy!"
Why do people beleive this Urban legend and why should springs arrival be determind by a Groundhog? If the groundhog is wrong do we get to kill him and use him for fish bait?No !PETA would not allow that.If he is wrong can the ALCU sue him for being a false prophet?Oh no Pat Robertson would head up that!
OK preak it to them gentley but tell your kids The groudhog ruling is an urban legend.I do hope spring does arrive a little earlier though BUT if it does give mother nature or a HIGHER power the credit NOT a rodent.
Next weeks subject .."There are no such things as Purple Dinosours that talk."

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